Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Was Vancouver Riots Behavior Normal

Was Vancouver Riots Behavior Normal Background information Vancouver riot was experienced during a match between the Canucks, Boston and Bruins in competition for the Stanley Cup. It was during the finals when Boston Bruins won 4-0 over the Canucks that the youths became violent, burning down buildings and vehicles and even injuring fellow human beings (CBC News).Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Was Vancouver Riots Behavior Normal? specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More It is not a surprise to see youngsters rioting after a match, and in the process, engaging in acts that eventually lead to regrets, History, overtime, has  confirmed this to be a normal occurrence after such an incidence is experienced in various places of the globe (Stepney). This has resulted into research carried out with the sole purpose of identifying whether there could be some kind of abnormality associated with the form of behaviors that are part of the rioting that usually lead to massive losses for both property and human life. Results conclude that this is normal as it has so many factors contributing to it such as alcohol and mob reasoning that tends to interfere with an individual’s normal reasoning. According to CBC News many people are always left wondering how young and sound youth should engage in such actions that result into a lot of harm that costs their outstanding reputation to the public and, even in extreme cases, leading to loss of job and rejection (Smith 1). However, considering all the possibilities that are responsible for such moves, it becomes sensible to conclude that they are quite normal occurrences that are to be expected especially in crowded areas. It is this very same reason that qualifies the Vancouver riots normal incident. Reasons behind considering Vancouver riots normal Just like Smith (2) argues, it becomes difficult for people to reason out well once they are in a group, in such cases the limbic system is le ft to operate instead of the frontal lobe that is responsible for proper reasoning. At this point, the involved crowds usually act out of emotions, which can be either negative or positive. The ultimate results for the actions involved entirely depend on the kind of emotions that drive the crowd. More often, emotional activities such as sports that entail screams, shouts and other sorts of noise, which can serve as stimuli, lead to the former part of the brain functional, thus leading into some kind of reaction such as riots. Individuals stop thinking as they should and act as groups; this is dangerous as people involve themselves into intolerable acts unlike if they are on their own.Advertising Looking for research paper on social sciences? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Group brain is risky at a time because people make subliminal moves without reflecting on the consequences.  As illustrated during the Vancouver riots, Nathan, young man from a well- off background, is captured by the media in the very act of burning a police vehicle and later apologizes for his own conduct (Smith1). Such cases are often, which can lead people  in  committing unethical activities. The effect of group brain is that it transforms an individual. For instance, when such rioting groups are separated, they tend to reason in the appropriate manner, meaning that their frontal lobe is at work. This gives an answer as to why the members involved during the Vancouver riots came out apologizing for their behavior as an individual (Smith 1). Smith continues to talk of dispersing people before they form groups also attempting to cause distraction that help them not to stray from their normal reasoning as measures to ensure peace during an event such as sports (Smith). According to Davis (348), usually a crowd is a group or gathering, with no organized structure, it comprises of assembly of people in real -time with e ach member having an individualistic benefit. Crowds become socially united by virtue of being physically together, and as such, any happening within the vicinity can influence them to act in a very crude manner. Crowds do not have any set goals and even have no future expectations of coming back together; this gives an explanation as to why they will always act without reason, leading to massive destructions. Usually, no distinction can be made between individuals because they all tend to have a similar reasoning, this makes what happened at Vancouver a normal phenomenon. Influence is also another factor that can lead to violent behavior. Influence is so powerful that no one wants to be rejected by friends or feel out of place. For this reason, people comply with any type of behavior, however, unethical it is (Pendry). According to Stepney alcohol is the leading source of behavioral variation in human beings; this is because it affects the body chemistry leading to a change for adr enaline produced. This has an impact on how the brain works. Alcohol and nutrition also have some impact on the way the prefrontal cortexes works.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Was Vancouver Riots Behavior Normal? specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More This part of the brain develops much later in life. Thus, owing to the fact that people actively involved in the riot were teenagers, it gives a guarantee of their limbic system at work thus leading them to make decisions and act out of emotions. The point that these youngsters were drunk and had a poor diet gives an additional confirmation that the riot was just a normal occurrence. Efforts by the police to close bars and other liquor source did not bear fruits as they had already taken it. Apart from alcohol, passion is also a significant stakeholder in riots. This is in the sense that all individuals in the group have a team to support. The success or failure of the group support will undoubtedly lead to some kind of reaction being negative or positive. It is this combination of reactions, which can lead to brutality. In an event, of trying to support a team; one has a passion for and has invested time, money and energy. After loss by the home team during the Vancouver event, fans were subjected into stress, which is a further trigger for emotions. True to Smith’s argument, on the maturity of the brain, the young children and grownups left the scene after they sensed some kind of threat that could result from their home team defeat thus leaving the youths behind who eventually succumbed to their emotions thus causing chaos. In other cases, spectators trigger, or attempt to provoke fans making them crazy eventually resulting into violence (Smith 5). According to Smith, this event was quite normal. Because, the reactions that  led  into such actions were distinct. To them, emotions have a big role in controlling ones actions bec ause they affect brains normal functioning thus influencing the manner in which one reasons. Smith (4) gives fire as an important impulse that arouses emotions. This supports Vancouver riot as normal because it is just immediately after a fire outbreak that the crowds turned violent leading to more and more fire set ups, destruction of property such as breaking of buildings glass windows and a lot of looting. Fire flames are believed to cause some kind of fear and as such some kind of reactions are expected. Vancouver riot was not the first one to be seen or heard of, there are such more incidences reported all over the globe whereby a lot of damage for both property and human life is encountered. Such riots include those encountered during the European Cup Final in 1985, 2000 South Africa- Zimbabwe match, 2000 American championship and many more. In all these riots, fans acted without reasoning just like after the Vancouver finals (Stepney). Contrary to the above-discussed reasons is the idea that some percentage of men went to the field with the intention of causing chaos, and they were there just to start something like setting a vehicle on fire so that they induce others (Smith 4). Their aim was to create havoc in order to get a chance for looting and engage in other animalistic actions.Advertising Looking for research paper on social sciences? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Conclusion It is in order to conclude that when a group of people comes together without a common goal to achieve; social crimes such as riots are likely to occur. Many factors come into play such as the above-mentioned including group brain, passion, alcohol and many more. Brains at work during such moments are not the right ones due to some kind of stimulation. Individuals do not reason out on their own while in a crowd as such, their reasoning is usually impaired resulting into unexpected actions that cause regrets at the end of the day. It is in order to claim the riots at Vancouver a normal happening because all the possible factors leading to such behavior were in place. CBC News. Riots Erupt in Vancouver after Canucks Loss. 2011. Web. Davis, Kingsley. Human Society. New York, the Macmillan Company, 1933. Pendry,Louise. Carrick, Rachael. Doing What The Mob Do: Priming Effects on Conformity. European journal of social psychology, (31), pp. 83-92 Smith, Charlie. Evolutionary Bi ology, the Prefrontal Cortex, and the Stanley Cup Riot in Vancouver, 2011, Web. Stepney, Chloe. Christian Science Monitor: Vancouver Riot and 5 Other Infamous Melees in Sports History, 2011, Web.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Writing a Pitch

Writing a Pitch Writing a Pitch Writing a Pitch By Maeve Maddox Those of you planning to enter the Amazon/Penguin Fiction Contest have probably written your pitch by now. Every novelist, sooner or later, must give some thought to the pitch. Like a synopsis a pitch must presentin a short space if written, in a few minutes if spokenan overall description of the novel: main character/s, main conflict, main plot twists, and resolution. The pitch contains additional information about targeted audience and marketability. The Amazon/Penguin contest is expected to draw as many as 10,000 submissions. The 10,000 will be cut to 2,000 on the basis of 300-word pitches. Even if you dont plan to enter, you may find the contest criteria useful in planning the pitch you will eventually need if youre writing a novel. The 300-word contest pitches are expected to give judges a clear idea of the following aspects of the submitted novel: overall strength plot development character development originality of idea writing style intended market how the book fits within this market why the reader would want to read the novel The contents of a pitch are the same as what goes into a query letter. Good luck to those of you planning to enter. Any of our readers who entered last year may want to offer last minute tips. Guidelines for writing a fiction query letter Breakthrough Novel Contest site Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Fiction Writing category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Has vs. HadStory Writing 101Oppose and Opposed To

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Legal and Ethical Aspects of Medication Administration Case Study Essay

Legal and Ethical Aspects of Medication Administration Case Study - Essay Example cases, the charges are being considered by the state, whereas in the third case, the nurse who made the error was sentenced to the probation of two years. I would take the position with the plaintiffs in the first and third case. Whatever the case is, it is the responsibility of the health providers to provide best medical services to the patients and with full care and attention. Patients come to health providers for medical care. They do not expect such blunders from them which can even take their lives. Therefore, charges should be made against the people involved in medical errors to make them and others aware of the consequences of showing negligence, as well as to make them feel their responsibility. However, in the second case, the pharmacy technician should be held responsible because he/she was the one who stocked incorrect medicine for infants. All three errors made in the cases described in the article could have been prevented if the clinical staff would have shown some responsibility. For example, in the first case, the person responsible for providing the medical care should have checked the patient at the right time instead of letting her wait for a long time. It is clear that she forgot to check her within time because making a patient wait for almost two hours does not make any sense. In the second case, the chances of prevention of error were less because nurses usually use the medicine stored in the right places. Pharmacy technician could have prevented this error by placing the right medicine at the right place. Moreover, in the third case, the error could have been prevented if a senior gynecologist would have supervised the medical procedure instead of letting the nurse perform the complex medical procedure on her own. In the first case, the primacy of the needs of patients surrounds the case because a nurse should feel the responsibility of providing correct care to the patient at the correct time. Section 2.1 (primacy of the patient’s

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Philosophy of Assessment Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Philosophy of Assessment - Term Paper Example This essay considers my personal philosophy of assessment. One of the primary considerations I recognize in terms of assessment is developing a means of judging student participation and effort throughout the marking periods and course. One of the primary challenges I had when originally considering assessment was the nature of developing assessment strategies that are student specific, or measure objective standards of comprehension. While ideally classrooms are constituted by students of the same level of achievement, in reality this is not always the case. Early in my teaching career I recognized that I would have to make the difficult decision of requiring all students to achieve the same level of achievement. From this foundational level I then began to design assessment strategies that required students to achieve an objective standard of accomplishment. In these regards, I have been greatly influenced by constructivist theory of assessment, specifically a text Understanding by Design. This text contends that assessment should be designed from a top-down structure with the end goal in mind. Working from this theory, each semester I considered the ultimate objective for the course and then worked back from that in developing assessment strategies that would work as standards bearers for the marking period. Still, I recognize that this approach to assessment should only be used to construct a general approach to curriculum development. As is later demonstrated, the most effective instruction and assessment will consider the learner’s background knowledge and phenomenological grasp of the learning material in developing dynamic and multi-varied assessment mechanisms. In addition to these constructivist approaches to assessment, I have become more directly acquainted with direct methods of assessment. It’s indicated that one of the primary such means of demonstrating direct assessment strategies is through the teacher’s active involvement in student learning. In these regards, â€Å"the teacher a) presents information, b) develops concepts through lecture, c) requires students to recite or respond to questions, d) provides feedback and reteaching as necessary† (Payne 63). In terms of my own assessment strategies, I implement direct methods in a variety of ways. After determining the end of course objective I would then break down the marking period into manageable units (chapters). Within each of these units (chapters) there would be a final exam and quizzes. The quizzes were implemented in large part as a means of motivating students to remain consistent with scholastic work throughout the chapter. In these regards, oftentimes I approached quiz grades with a more lenient approach than I did the chapter tests. The student quiz scores also functioned to aid me in identifying areas of student progress that are more in need of attention. Indeed, student quiz assessment was a learning process for the students as well, giving them an early idea of elements of the text that they must further study. With the final exam then students had to demonstrate their mastery of the material. Rather than functioning as a learning aid, the final exam existed solely for the purpose of measuring the student’s achievement in relation to the objective progress they made within the specific unit. Through research I have discovered a

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Adam and Eve Creation Essay Example for Free

Adam and Eve Creation Essay The Lord God formed man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and man became a living being. (Genesis 2:7). The Hebrew for man is pronounced aw-dawm, from which Adam is derived. Its also related to aw-dawm-ah, which means red earth, or red clay indicating the natural earth elements that composed Adams body, and the body of every human being since. The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden [see Where Was The Garden Of Eden?] to work it and take care of it. (Genesis 2:15). Adam wasnt going to lead an idle life he had a job right from his first day. For a little while, Adam was the only human being in existence (imagine being the only person on an entire planet!). The Lord God said, It is not good for the man to be all alone. (Genesis 2:18) So The Lord God caused the man to fall into a deep sleep; and while he was sleeping, He took one of the mans ribs and closed up the place with flesh. Then The Lord God made a woman from the rib. He had taken out of the man, and He brought her to the man. The man said, This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called woman, for she was taken out of man. For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh. (Genesis 2:21-24) Eves original name, when translated, meant simply woman, (a female man) just as Adam was known simply as man (a male man). He called her woman, and she called him man. Later, Adam named his wife Eve, because she would become the mother of all the living. (Genesis 3:20). Eve is derived from the Hebrew word which means life-giving. Eventually, besides Cain And Abel, they had Seth (Genesis 5:3), and numerous other children (Genesis 5:4). See more: Distinguish between problem-focused coping and emotion-focused coping Essay So God created man in His Own Image, in The Image of God He created him; male and female He created them. God blessed them and said to them, Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air and over every living creature that moves on the ground. Then God said, I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food. And to all the beasts of the earth and all the birds of the air and all the creatures that move on the ground everything that has the breath of life in it I give every green plant for food. And it was so. God saw all that he had made, and it was very good. And there was evening, and there was morning the sixth day. (Genesis 1:27-31). (see The Seven Days Of Creation) Adam and Eve had a perfect life in Eden. That is, until That Old Serpent slithered in. Fact Finder: What was Gods command to Adam (Eve had not yet been created) regarding a certain two trees in the Garden of Eden? Genesis 2:16-17

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Electronic Health Records Essay -- Hospital medical errors

A. What is the issue? An Electronic Health Record is a computerized form of a patient’s medical chart. These records allow information to be readily available to authorized providers during a patient’s encounter with the healthcare system. These systems do not only contain medical histories, current medications and insurance information, they also track patients’ diagnoses, treatment plans, immunization dates, allergies, radiology images and lab tests/results (source). The fundamental aspect of EHRs is that they are able to share a patient’s information quickly across service lines and even between different healthcare organizations. Information is at the fingertips of lab techs, primary care physicians, pharmacies, clinics, etc. The goal of EHR implementation is to drastically decrease the amount of preventable medical errors that occur each year. Hospital medical errors are the third leading cause of death in America. In 2008, 400,000 people died resulting in a loss of $17.1 billion dollars (MacDonald, 2013). Such medical errors include misdiagnosis, unnecessary treatment, medication mistakes, uncoordinated care, infections, missed warning signs and early discharge. According to Leana Wen, M.D., these are the top 10 medical errors that can kill you in a hospital (Wen, 2013). With these staggering statistics, it is hard to believe that America’s healthcare system is among the top when compared to other developed countries. That is because it is not. The US is ranked 46 out of 50 when it comes to countries with the most efficient healthcare and ranked 25 out of 50 for countries with the highest life expectancy (â€Å"Most Efficient Health,† 2013). With these low quality outcomes and a push towards EHR adoption, one must ask, will ... ...ian-order-entry-cpoe Summary of the hipaa privacy rule. ((2014, 01 01)2014, 01 01). Retrieved from http://www.hhs.gov/ocr/privacy/hipaa/understanding/summary/ Lynn, J. ((2013, 08 05)2013, 08 05). Don’t let a business associate compromise your hipaa compliance. Retrieved from http://www.emrandhipaa.com/tag/hipaa-violations/ Merrill, M. ((2011, 10 24)2011, 10 24). Study finds docs have ‘inadequate’ her training. Retrieved from http://www.healthcareitnews.com/news/study-finds-docs-have-inadequate-ehr-training Wen, L. ((2013, 04 26)2013, 04 26). 10 medical errors that can kill you in the hospital. Retrieved from http://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/the-doctor-is- listening/201303/10-medical-errors-can-kill-you-in-the-hospital Medicsdocassistant ehr - ehr software. ((n.d.)). Retrieved from http://ehr- software.findthebest.com/l/7/MedicsDocAssistant-EHR Electronic Health Records Essay -- Hospital medical errors A. What is the issue? An Electronic Health Record is a computerized form of a patient’s medical chart. These records allow information to be readily available to authorized providers during a patient’s encounter with the healthcare system. These systems do not only contain medical histories, current medications and insurance information, they also track patients’ diagnoses, treatment plans, immunization dates, allergies, radiology images and lab tests/results (source). The fundamental aspect of EHRs is that they are able to share a patient’s information quickly across service lines and even between different healthcare organizations. Information is at the fingertips of lab techs, primary care physicians, pharmacies, clinics, etc. The goal of EHR implementation is to drastically decrease the amount of preventable medical errors that occur each year. Hospital medical errors are the third leading cause of death in America. In 2008, 400,000 people died resulting in a loss of $17.1 billion dollars (MacDonald, 2013). Such medical errors include misdiagnosis, unnecessary treatment, medication mistakes, uncoordinated care, infections, missed warning signs and early discharge. According to Leana Wen, M.D., these are the top 10 medical errors that can kill you in a hospital (Wen, 2013). With these staggering statistics, it is hard to believe that America’s healthcare system is among the top when compared to other developed countries. That is because it is not. The US is ranked 46 out of 50 when it comes to countries with the most efficient healthcare and ranked 25 out of 50 for countries with the highest life expectancy (â€Å"Most Efficient Health,† 2013). With these low quality outcomes and a push towards EHR adoption, one must ask, will ... ...ian-order-entry-cpoe Summary of the hipaa privacy rule. ((2014, 01 01)2014, 01 01). Retrieved from http://www.hhs.gov/ocr/privacy/hipaa/understanding/summary/ Lynn, J. ((2013, 08 05)2013, 08 05). Don’t let a business associate compromise your hipaa compliance. Retrieved from http://www.emrandhipaa.com/tag/hipaa-violations/ Merrill, M. ((2011, 10 24)2011, 10 24). Study finds docs have ‘inadequate’ her training. Retrieved from http://www.healthcareitnews.com/news/study-finds-docs-have-inadequate-ehr-training Wen, L. ((2013, 04 26)2013, 04 26). 10 medical errors that can kill you in the hospital. Retrieved from http://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/the-doctor-is- listening/201303/10-medical-errors-can-kill-you-in-the-hospital Medicsdocassistant ehr - ehr software. ((n.d.)). Retrieved from http://ehr- software.findthebest.com/l/7/MedicsDocAssistant-EHR

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Importance of Tolerance in a Community

â€Å"What is Tolerance? It is the consequence of humanity. We are all formed of frailty and error; let us pardon reciprocally each other’s folly-that is the first law of nature. † (Voltaire, Philosophical Dictionary, pg. 206) Tolerance is showing respect to others by appreciating others and allowing them to live. Individuals have different religions, opinions, practices and attitudes. Tolerance is about accepting other people’s lifestyle or beliefs without being judgmental. It contributes to a universal peace.Unfortunately, too much suffering is nurtured in this world due to lack of tolerance. Moreover, one should ask if tolerance should have a limit particularly when it goes against moral values. Tolerance contributes in making a society stable. Without it, there would be no progression and no peace. In a society where different religious groups reside, it is essential. Every person is called to respect others’ practices and appreciate their contribution to a multi-racial community. Tolerance brings more justice, more equality and less racism. All people are born free and equal in dignity and rights, and they should not be discriminated against because of their nationality, ethnicity, religion, race, gender, political opinions, wealth or property. † (Universal Declaration of Human Rights, United Nations, 1948). However, there is a high degree of intolerance for example between Israeli Jews and Palestinians. They are killing in the name of identity, statehood and religion. For the economy of a community to flourish, tolerance must play an important role at the workplace.Higher productivity can be achieved if colleagues work together while understanding each other. A modern system of management keeps fighting and bullying away. The employer and the employee respect each other on the basic principle of tolerance. Tolerance at the workplace means respecting the attitude and practices of another person. Co-workers can feel more at ease with each other and concentrate on their work. People may do the same thing in different ways or hold opposing attitudes. Furthermore, employees should be able to accept the policies and laws of the workplace and by being tolerant this can be achieved.Tolerance at workplace therefore reduces frustration and improves happiness. Tolerance should also reside in families. It starts with the wife and the husband who afterwards show it towards the children. The modern family is a refuge from the problems of life. It is based on love and tolerance. Without tolerance in the parent-child relationship, there would be a lack of understanding. Furthermore, intolerance between wife and husband can lead to domestic violence. There would be too much tension in a home if tolerance was not practiced. It is an essential component in relationships.A better atmosphere prevails within bonds when it is present. Parents therefore should be able to teach tolerance to their children, for them to learn to be open to differences. In politics, tolerance plays a major function. Political tolerance is a key principle of democracy. It leads to better governance where genuine democracy prevails. Tolerance fosters democratic values as people have the right to voice their opinion. Criticism can be beneficial as tolerance helps us to accept others views. As a result, the opposition system can freely disapprove a government’s decisions and propose alternatives.Politicians should be able accept and respect the basic rights of persons and groups whose opinion differ from theirs. All citizens, including political leaders, have the responsibility to put political tolerance into practice by words and actions. For an individual to integrate in a community, he or she must be tolerant with himself or herself. He or she must know how to live with others. We cannot expect everyone to think alike. To live in peace and harmony, one must show respect for oneself and for others. One must accept o thers as they are and tolerance is the key to it.It is a way of life and it contributes to self-happiness and happiness for everyone. In addition, by showing tolerance to other, one gives an example of this virtue to his surroundings. Thus, one should include tolerance as one of his or her basic principle of life. However, as almost everything in life, tolerance has a limit. There are so many evils in society that cannot be encouraged such as drug consumption and trafficking, corruption, favoritism, violence and all sorts of crimes. â€Å"Tolerance ends where harm begins. † Tolerance is meant for the worthy, to fight for human rights and aim for peace; not to encourage injustice and harm.Severe sanctions need to be taken against illegal affairs and unmoral practices. Definitely tolerance has its place in every field of life. It makes relationships smoother, allows freedom of expression and freedom of opinion. For the economy, it contributes to a higher productivity. It can al so contribute to one’s happiness. It implies that one should accept differences of opinion and settle disputes peacefully. Countries can achieve peace and harmony through this basic principle of life. Tolerance is a basic principle of life that everyone should have. Nevertheless, we ought not to tolerate unjust practices.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Challenges Facing the Nursing Profession

Looking ahead at some of the challenges facing the nursing profession seem pretty daunting. Nursing shortages, a rapidly aging population (to also include an aging nursing population), short staffed hospitals are the norm these days. These are just a few examples of some of the problems facing nurses today and into the next century. With a population growing and hospital care struggling to keep up as it is, we have a catastrophe mounting on our hands. The baby boom generation is nearing retirement age. This means they will start to require more and more health related stays in hospitals as their health starts to fail them. The baby boomers make up a whopping 28% of this country. According to the article, The Baby Boomers’ Massive Impact on Health Care, â€Å"AHA acknowledged that the over-65 population will triple between 1980 and 2030, with the first baby boomers turning 65 in 2011. Although the health and lifestyle of people at age 65 is very different than it was in generations past—it’s even been said that â€Å"60 is the new 50†Ã¢â‚¬â€the reality remains that chronic conditions continue to plague the population. In fact, AHA reported that more than 37 million boomers will be managing more than one chronic condition by 2030(Orlovsky, www. nursezone. com). Add in the advancing age of nurses as well. As there is a demand for qualified nurses right now, the demand is growing everyday. According to the ANA the average age of a registered nurse is currently at 46. 8 years. This is a scary thing. Since there is already a shortage of nurses, what will happen when these older nurses start to retire? Where and how does the growing demand stop growing? This is a huge question that needs to be answered quick. The ANA has also stated,† According to the BLS report, more than 2. 9 million RNs will be employed in the year 2012, up 623,000 from the nearly 2. 3 million RNs employed in 2002. However, the total job openings, which include both job growth and the net replacement of nurses, will be more than 1. 1 million. This growth, coupled with current trends of nurses retiring or leaving the profession and fewer new nurses, could lead to a nursing shortage of more than one million nurses y the end of this decade(Nursingworld. com). With deficits like that what happens to healthcare? As the demand for qualified nurses increases, so will the need for qualified teachers. More students need to be taught to become nursing professionals. While this may be one of the last things people think about when it comes to the demand for registered nurses it is one of the more important areas. If there are not qualified people to teach, how do you expect individuals to learn the material needed to succeed? According to the American Association of Colleges of Nursing, nursing schools rejected 26,340 qualified applicants in 2004 primarily because of faculty shortages. And 7 percent of the 10,200 full-time faculty positions at 609 U. S. undergraduate and graduate nursing programs are vacant(Arias www. medscape. com). The nursing profession will be fine. It has overcome and adapted throughout its history and will continue to. The professionals of the field will fight on, just as it does with each and every twelve hour shift that passes by. Read also: â€Å"Ati RN Community Health Online Practice 2016 B†

Thursday, November 7, 2019

JONES Surame Meaning and Origin

JONES Surame Meaning and Origin Jones is a patronymic surname meaning Jehovah has favored. Jones is a popular surname among European Christians, as the name John was bestowed in honor of St. John the Baptist and many other saints by the name John. JOHNSON is a common English version of this surname. Jones is the most common surname in Wales, where son of is denoted by the s ending. Jones is also the second most common surname in Australia and England, and the fifth most common American surname. Because most last names originate in multiple areas, the best way to learn more about your Jones last name is to research your own specific family history.  If you are new to genealogy, try these steps to begin tracing your family tree. If youre interested in learning more about the Jones Family Crest, then check out the article Family Coat of Arms - They Arent What You Think. Surname Origin:  English, Welsh Alternate Surname Spellings:  JOHNS   Ã‚  See also JOHNSON Fun Facts About the Jones Surname: The popular saying, Keeping up with the Joneses, was first developed by cartoonist, Arthur R. Pop Momand, for the comic strip by that name. It debuted in New York World magazine in 1916.   Some Early JONES Ancestors: William Jones - born about 1520 in Machen, Gwynllwg, Monmouth, Mid-Glamorgan, WalesHugh Jones - born abt. 1635 in England; settled in Salem, Massachusetts about 1650. Famous People with the Surname JONES: James Earl Jones - American Emmy and Tony Award-winning actor of stage and screenJohn Paul Jones - American Revolution CaptainMother Jones - Labor organizer Mary HarrisGeorge Jones - Country music legend Genealogy Resources for the Surname JONES: Search Strategies for Common Last NamesUse these strategies for locating ancestors with common names like Jones to help you research your JONES ancestors online. 100 Most Common U.S. Surnames Their MeaningsSmith, Johnson, Williams, Jones, Brown... Are you one of the millions of Americans sporting one of these top 100 common last names from the 2000 census? Jones Surname DNA ProjectThis diverse Jones DNA project has nearly 200 members from around the world. Ah, You Must Be a JonesAn interesting article on the origins of Wales most common surname - Jones. From The Big Issue Cymru, Cardiff, Wales, May 2008. Jones Name Meaning Family HistoryAn overview of the Jones surname meaning, plus subscription-based access to genealogical records on Jones families around the world from Ancestry.com. Jones Family Genealogy ForumSearch this popular genealogy forum for the Jones surname to find others who might be researching your ancestors, or post your own Jones query. FamilySearch - JONES GenealogySearch and access records, queries, and lineage-linked online family trees posted for the Jones surname and its variations. FamilySearch features over 31 million results for the Jones last name. DistantCousin.com - JONES Genealogy Family HistoryFree databases and genealogy links for the last name Jones.- References: Surname Meanings Origins Cottle, Basil. Penguin Dictionary of Surnames. Baltimore, MD: Penguin Books, 1967. Menk, Lars. A Dictionary of German Jewish Surnames. Avotaynu, 2005. Beider, Alexander. A Dictionary of Jewish Surnames from Galicia. Avotaynu, 2004. Hanks, Patrick and Flavia Hodges. A Dictionary of Surnames. Oxford University Press, 1989. Hanks, Patrick. Dictionary of American Family Names. Oxford University Press, 2003. Smith, Elsdon C. American Surnames. Genealogical Publishing Company, 1997. Back to Glossary of Surname Meanings Origins

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

8 Ways to Increase Your Confidence at Work

8 Ways to Increase Your Confidence at Work Think about the most successful people you know. Chances are, the common thread is confidence. Successful people believe in themselves and that confidence helps them to keep on succeeding and succeeding- which, in turn, makes them more confident! Feel left out of the confidence club? Don’t fear. But don’t do nothing either. You can and should induct yourself into the secret society of self-satisfaction. Here are 8 easy ways to do just that.1. Know yourselfTake a good hard look at yourself, first and foremost. Confidence is usually earned, and confident people are just as aware of their shortcomings as they are of their strengths. Get to know your selling points and the areas where you might need work. Do a thorough self-assessment.2. Don’t be a pushoverIt’s important to say â€Å"no† from time to time. Practice saying â€Å"no,† when prudent, and make sure to make your refusals clear. A simple â€Å"No, sorry† is worth a million  "I’m just not sure†¦Ã¢â‚¬ s, and will make both you and the favor-asker feel less stressed and more secure.3. Get in good with the bossIf you have a good relationship with your boss, great. If not, try to strategize how you might repair the relationship and start over on a better foot. Otherwise, the stress will be a huge drain on your energy and your self-esteem, both in the office and at home.4. Set a bunch of smaller goalsConfident people are always winning, even in small increments. Challenge yourself constantly and, more often than not, you’ll succeed. Celebrate these small victories both because you deserve to and because you’ll get into the habit of succeeding. Before you know it, you’ll be used to winning too.5. Get a mentorA good mentor can help you advance in the course of your career, making small corrections to steer you straight. They’ll tell you where you’re coming up short, but they’ll also give you a pat on the b ack when you deserve it. And pats on the back build confidence!6. Work outSeriously. Exercise creates endorphins. It also makes you feel more capable emotionally, socially, and professionally. If you can work out regularly and push yourself, you’ll feel like you can translate those skills out of the gym and into your work.7. Play dress upPeople are judgmental. They do pay attention to how we present ourselves physically. Try dressing a bit smarter, but make sure to choose clothing that reflects you and your style. Be neat and tidy and make the extra effort. The compliments alone will boost your confidence.8. Don’t be a jerkIt’s important to be assertive, but make sure not to overcompensate with aggression. This means keeping your insecurities in check. Once you learn this delicate balancing act, you’ll be well-equipped to wield your new confident self with ease.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Film & Society Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Film & Society - Essay Example The producer of the biography of Kane's life recognizes the fact that a human being is not necessarily the sum of his activities and property, while asking his reporters the real meaning of Charles Foster Kane. In an effort to find the real Charles Foster Kane - a composite of a number of historical personalities such as the newspaper magnate William Randolph Hearst; the aerospace and movie mogul Howard Hughes; and the Chicago utilities magnate Samuel Insull - the film helps the viewer discover that there is something deeper that drives the life and achievements of a person. This depth of insight may be called the meaning of life, the interpretation of life, or an individual's motivating force to do what he does and to live the way he lives. Charles Foster Kane died following a successful business life with the word "Rosebud" on his lips. This word apparently had nothing to do whatsoever with the kind of persona possessed by Kane. Was it the name he had decided on for a new business venture, given that wealth and power were Kane's predominant interests as revealed by his biography In any case, Kane's story unfolds in a series of flashbacks, each one providing insight into an attribute of Kane previously hidden from the viewer. The life story of Kane is told by a succession of people that were connected with him. Each of these people saw a separate side of the man, and none of them could see him whole. Thus, all people in relation to Kane saw him differently, and each one's viewpoint was imbued with prejudices, making the recollections rather vague and unreliable. The man himself never gets to tell his own story. How close would his story be to the reminiscences of his associates We cannot tell, and all that we are left with is our own interpretation. If money is our preoccupation, perhaps we will define Kane's life as a money-making enterprise, just as a person dealing with aggression in the home is most likely to view the Thematic Apperception cards with an eye for violence. Kane's life had changed irrevocably from a materialistic standpoint. He was a rich man who knew how to remain prosperous through his business undertakings. Yet, viewers of the film have noticed that riches did not necessarily bring unconditional happiness in the man's life. Rather, he seemed to have felt vulnerable and alone, and on his deathbed he remembered the simple snow globe and the Rosebud, which was the sled he used in his youth. Kane appears to feel nostalgic about his childhood as death knocks at his door. Was he trying to recall certain values that he had failed to live by due to his ever increasing occupation with the guarding of wealth Once again, the interpretation depends on the viewer. It will be not considered wrong to assert here that Kane was remembering his childhood and the Rosebud at the end of his life because death marks a return to a state of being we were closer to at the time we were children. Would it also be correct to state that the meaning of life is r eally to remember that state of being and live as intimately attached to it as possible, so that death takes us to a world that feels better than this one and we are not taken by surprise right at the end of this life term Literature on near death experience has often mentioned the dark tunnel experience, whereby a person