Wednesday, May 13, 2020

What Is Fat Injection ( Auto Fat Grafting Fat Graft )

What is Fat injection (auto fat grafting; fat graft; fat transfer) ? Fat injection is not just (to swell) an empty area in order to increase the size. It is actually a three-dimensional art work that highlights the most beautiful elements and details of an area has lost its luster, glory, and beauty vanished due to loss of some tissue volume. It is a re-balance and harmony of lights and shadow on the surface ...... (Philosophy Dr. Wael Saadeldeen in cosmetic surgery) © Fat is a natural rich repository of cells that can replace lost contours as well as a rich source of stem cells which is a revolution in the world of restoring life to other cells .......... autologous fat grafting is a simple procedure operated by the professional cosmetic surgeon to transfer some cells from a donor area with excess fats to another in need in the same person. Fat injection is widely used in the world of Plastic Surgery. Fat is injected in different areas of the body including the face in order to increase the size,shape, as well as to restore a youthful appearance. F at injection is a safe, long-lasting and natural alternative to synthetic tissue fillers. It can be an effective way to reduce wrinkles, repair acne pits, and restore more elegant and beautiful appearance. Fat grafting (fat Injection) compensates for the lost fats in different body regions. The procedure requires obtaining fat from another donor area of the same person. This can be done through delicate liposuction of microfatShow MoreRelatedHesi Practice31088 Words   |  125 Pagescomplains of increasing shortness of breath and is agitated and coughing up pink-tinged, foamy sputum. The nurse should recognize these as signs and symptoms of A. right-sided heart failure. B. acute pulmonary edema. C. pneumonia. D. cardiogenic shock. 4. What s the most appropriate nursing diagnosis for a client exhibiting obsessive-compulsive behavior? A. Ineffective coping. B. Imbalanced nutrition: Less than body requirements. C. Imbalaneed nutrition: More than body requirements. D. Interrupted famil yRead MoreAn Introduction to Hydrophonics and Controlled Environment Agriculture40110 Words   |  161 Pagesgrowing areas, mulches and compost heating), greenhouses, hot air and hot water heating systems and had experimented with plant nutrition, water culture and more. THEN: The Great Library in Alexandria Egypt was burned. Rome fell. Enter the Dark Ages! What was learned before was forgotten†¦ When people forget their â€Å"history† they are doomed or, in this case, required to repeat it! 1300’s 1400’s 1500’s – European Renaissance: revival of art, literature learning. DEVELOPMENT OF PROTECTED AGRICULTURE AND

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